Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Gracemount’s YPI Winner

Farah Robb S2 receives a cheque for £3000 which she will give to Hopscotch after winning Gracemount’s YPI (Youth Philanthropy Initiative) competition.

Monday, 16 December 2019

Teen Triple P - Liberton/Gilmertoncluster (January 2020)

We are delighted to let you know that Teen Triple P is coming to the Liberton/Gilmerton cluster in January 2020.

Details are below:

Monday, 7 October 2019

New in school toilet procedures

Parent/Carers and Students are advised to read the new school toilet procedures which come into force after the October break.  These new procedures can be read by following the link to the letter below:

Link to letter

Outward Bound Letter

Link to outward Bound Letter

Monday, 9 September 2019

S2 Outward Bound Programme & School Values

Article by C. Wyllie (Curricular Leader Social Subjects & RME)
Friday 6th September

Recently S2 pupils returned to school after attending a highly successful 5 days on our annual Outward Bound residential programme. The school has been working with Outward Bound for over a decade now and this year saw 46 of our S2  pupils travel the 170 miles to Outward Bound’s outdoor centre at Loch Eil, near Fort William.
During their time away pupils truly did demonstrate our school values of Responsible, Respectful & Safe.

The pupils were placed into clans of 11 or 12 participants and were responsible for working as a team all the time they were away. Clan responsibilities included helping each other pack and carry tents and supplies during the 24hr overnight expedition, looking out for each other when rock climbing, doing the ‘leap of faith’, gorge walk and all the various other activities. Pupils were expected to get up on time, attend meals as a clan as well as look after their own kit room with all the items they would need for the week.

 Cameron Clan on Expedition   

The programme also involved participation in the John Muir Discovery Award in which the pupils were asked to discover, explore and conserve the wild places around them and then later share with others what they’d done over their 5 days away. Our conservation task this year involved all clans participating in a beach clean-up on the shore of Loch Eil.

Outward Bound instructors and staff accompanying the trip commented on the respectful and positive attitude of so many of our S2 participants throughout the week. Respect by pupils was shown through actively listening to instructors, giving their all during activities, thinking about others, as well as leaving the environment such as dormitories, dining area and the various wild places we visited in a fit state for those who visited and used these places after us. Positive working relations between staff and pupils were certainly boosted during the week and everyone looks forward to building on these relations now that we’re back at school.

Collecting plastic and other debris on the shore of Loch Eil   

Safety on any outdoor activities trip is of course of paramount importance. Again, the behaviour and positive attitude displayed by our pupils certainly went a long way to ensuring another safe and rewarding experience for everyone this year. This was especially true of activities such as gorge walking and rock climbing where pupils actively helped in the checking of safety equipment before final checks made by the instructors. Pupils were regularly tasked with thinking about potential risks before engaging in activities and how they could contribute to the safety of the group.

Harness & rope checks made during climbing & abseil     

It has been very heart-warming to hear the positive comments from many pupils and parents on our return to Edinburgh. In addition, we’re really delighted that all 46 participants this year succeed in gaining certificates for completing their Outward Bound programme as well as attaining the John Muir Award at Discovery level. Well done!


Friday, 14 June 2019

Use of Hoddies in School

Use of hoodies in schools
We have been alerted by Trading Standards with regards to the use of hoodies in schools. This is particularly pertinent to this time of year where hoodies are used for pupils transitioning from primary to secondary.

When supplying goods, clothing must conform with the provisions of the General Product Safety Regulations 2005. Generally, this means following the provisions of the relevant British or European Standards applicable to the product. Children’s clothing is very strictly controlled, especially in relation to entrapment and strangulation risks.

There have been reports elsewhere of clothing being supplied which have free running hood cords. The products themselves are not unsafe, as they are small adult hoodies but have been inappropriately supplied to children (i.e. under 14’s) which presents a safety risk.

We respectfully ask that the guidance is followed to manage the risk.

Scott Mackenzie
Business Manager | Gracemount High School |136 Lasswade Road | Edinburgh | EH16 6TZ