Tuesday 31 March 2020

Using the @ to tag someone in Microsoft Teams

Hi everyone, just a reminder to tag a teacher if you are asking any questions in Microsoft Teams. S2 pupils are asking great questions and showing they're really trying hard to complete the work set. Most of you are tagging one of us, but we don't want to miss any questions. If you haven't had an answer to a question, please repost and tag one of us. To use a tag, use the @ symbol and then key in the teachers full name. 

If you don't know a teachers full name, you can always access the Gracemount High School Staff List here - it includes their full name.  

Take care and stay safe!

Mr Whyte

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Home Learning: History

Week 2:

S1/S2 History Home Learning Instructions

S1 Lesson
Ms Murray has made a lesson looking at the Black Panther Party. This lesson can be found on Microsoft Teams. S1 students should watch the video link and answer the questions. Then they should complete the table to compare the Black Panther Party and Martin Luther King.  You can either answer in your jotter and take pictures of your work or write in a Word document and send it by email/assignments in Microsoft Teams. 😊

S2 Lesson
Ms Murray has asked that you go onto Microsoft Teams and follow the link to Gathering the Voices website. Here you should listen to and follow along with the script of Judith Rosenburg’s story as a survivor of the Holocaust. Write half a page minimum about her experience at Auschwitz. Submit pictures of written work or word document on Microsoft teams. 😊

Week 1:

S1 History 
We would like you to use Microsoft teams and complete Martin Luther King Worksheet and facebook. You should either print out and complete or better still type up in word document and upload to teams.

S4-S6 students 
Higher History: Students should be completing the 2019 Higher past paper and type up answers in a word document and send back to Ms Murray.
National 5 History: Students should be completing the 2019 National 5 past paper and type up answers in a word document and send back to Ms Murray.
National 4 History: Complete Unit source questions and sent back to Ms Murray as a word document.

N5 Geography 
This is a reminder that N5 climate change lessons are on iTunesU. You should be working through these lessons using the Global Issues textbook issued to you before the school closure. Mr Wyllie will continue to communicate with N5 Geographers through iTunesU.

Need help accessing Microsoft Teams?

View a quick "How To" video here.

Home Learning: S2-S6 Modern Studies

S4 Modern Studies Home Learning Update
S4 Modern Studies  students please complete the Terrorism test, that can be found on Microsoft Teams or via this link here. Please send in your answers either through teams or email. 

Ms Jones

Modern Studies Home Learning (Senior students)
Could you all read the materials on how to answer conclusion questions on teams and then complete a word document and send it to me either via teams or email by Tuesday... or earlier!

S2 Modern Studies Homeworking Update:
Here is the work for this week on the USA . It is some video clips and information which helps us to answer the question: Is Trump is a dictator?

You should read the worksheet then answer the questions in the assignment, please. You have a week to do this, it's due on Monday 6th April. Any questions, please ask. Ms Jones

Link can be found here.

S3 Modern Studies                                                                                              
I’d like to invite you to join teams by following the code in your school email. Then, I’d like you to complete the assignment by reading through the court case evidence and completing the grid. Hand it in by Friday, please. Any questions about this, just ask. I’ve also attached it here if you’re struggling to access teams.

S3 Modern Studies Evidence in a Criminal Trial can be downloaded here.

S4-6 Modern Studies 
I’d like you to join the team, familiarise yourselves with the files and folders and await further instructions.

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Modern Languages

N5 French and Spanish please join your Microsoft Teams and check iTunes U.  We would like you to complete a Job Application piece of writing with 6 bullet points.

S1, S2 and S3 please follow your Microsoft Teams to see what topics you should be completing this week.


Monday 23 March 2020

Home Learning: Geography

Week 2:

Geography Homeworking Update

S2 Geography
Hello S2 students! Hope this message finds you fit and well. Your Geography work for this week is completion of the tasks in Africa Lesson 11 - Measuring Development pdf. This has been posted on Teams and can also be accessed via the link here.(Note the link here, should allow you to watch the video at the end of the lesson).  

Submission of your work can be made using word or by taking a photo of your written work. The target date for completion is no later than Thursday 2nd April. Please get in touch via the chat function on Teams if you have any questions.

S4-S6 National 5 Geography
Please continue working through the Climate Change work posted on iTunes U. I an hoping that you have finished this by the end of the week. Submission of your work can be made using word or taking a photo/scan of your written work.

S1 Geography
There is no geography work set for you at present as you are not currently doing geography as part of the Social Subjects rota at present, but work will be posted when this changes after the Easter holiday.

Week 1:

S2 Geography – This week’s task is to

1. Log onto Microsoft teams.  
2. Go onto Geography Unit 2 - Africa and complete the tasks contained in this link - Lesson 10 – Desert Plants & Animals.  

The tasks can be done in your jotter, on paper or you might like to try submitting the written part of your work back to me.

Edinburgh Learns - Teaching Learning and GIRFEC During the School Closure

Please find useful information on Teaching and Learning during the school closure here.

Home Learning: Modern Studies

Week 2:

Home Learning: Modern Studies

Please complete a final draft of the democracy essay for Tuesday. Some of you have already done this and emailed me. Well done! If you have, could also send me your answer to the conclusions question – Resources on Microsoft teams and iTunes U.  

S5/6 Nationals
I’ve asked you to complete a unit test on democracy for Tuesday. It’s in the assignment section. If you could upload a word document, that would be great, either email to me or submit it on teams.

Stay healthy 😊
Ms Jones

Week 1:

S2 Modern Studies – This week’s task is to:

1. Log onto Microsoft teams. Instructions are here.
2. Go onto Unit 2 ‘Democracy v Dictatorship’ and Read the factfile on Saudi Arabia . (Note there is a differentiated document if you find this too challenging)  
3. Then watch the video links on Human rights in Saudi Arabia. 
4. Finally, complete the quiz and submit for marking 😊 This is to get you started. The next lesson on the USA will follow shortly.

S4 Modern Studies

I would like you to all to login to Microsoft teams – you have all been invited via email. Then, read through the PowerPoint on NATO – the final topic, a copy of this can be viewed here.

Watch the links, complete the tasks then complete the assignment which is a quiz.  

If you could do this by Friday, or Monday at the latest that would be great. 

Thanks, Ms Jones 

Maths: Home Learning

Week 2:

S1 should be focussing on calculations involving length, area and volume
S2 should be focussing on calculations involving percentages
S3 should be focussing on algebra skills
All resources for S1-3 can be accessed via Microsoft Teams (tinyurl.com/edi365)

All Senior classes (including National 4 pupils) should access work as set out on their class’ Microsoft Teams. 

Could all pupils please remember to ask for help via Teams and remember to email through completed work to your class teacher. 

Many thanks
Mr Murray

Week 1:

Could all pupils go to Microsoft Teams (tinyurl.com/edi365), where you will find the work set by your class teacher. 

Many thanks,

Mr Murray

Home Learning: CDT

The CDT Department will be using Microsoft Teams and all students have been set up to the relevant team.

Get the link to your team below:

S4 Practical Woodworking (Mr King)

S3 Graphic Communication (Mr Gray):         

S3 Design and Manufacture (Mr Gray):       
S3 Practical Craft Skills (Mr Gray):              

S1 Ly:      

S1 Sy:     

S1 Tz:    
S2 Lz:      

S2 Sz:      

Modern Languages

Bonjour, Hola et Ni Hao 😃

Below are instructions to access work for all year groups.  Please watch out for updates on Microsoft Teams where your teacher will update you on tasks to be completed:

S1 - S3

Websites where you can access activities and games to revise all topics:

https://www.linguascope.com/ (please see your teacher for login details)



The following links will take you to PDF workbooks which should be completed:



S1 Basics Revision

S1 Revision Booklet March 2020

S3 Revision Booklet March 2020

S3 Spanish Revision Booklet March 2020

These files are also available on iTunes U, course code : EKT-YKB-SMK

S1 Mandarin: Google Classroom website: classroom.google.com class code:  mt6vru6 


Access your usual iTunes U course and we will continue to update with past papers, PowerPoints and listening activities.  Please email your teacher if you need any help or would like work checked.  

Don't forget to cover all skills: reading, writing (job application N5s) and listening.  These websites will also help with grammar and vocabulary learning:




Good luck and keep in touch,
Mrs Towers, Miss Davies, Ms Boyd, Ms Tai and Ms Maloney.