Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Update from Science Department

Hi everyone,
Hope you are all okay.  There are a few changes to how we will be teaching Science lessons from this week (Mon 27th April).
-        Mr Cunningham will be setting and marking work on Fridays – please be patient as he will not be able to get online in between time.  If there are any problems or questions you can email Dr Davis (gillian.davis@gracemount.edin.sch.uk).

-        All of the other Science teachers are regularly using Teams to set work.  You can also email them if you get stuck or would like them to mark work.

-        S3 Biology – Changes to Teams
Ms McDonald will be taking all pupils going on to study Nat 5 next year.
Mr Wallis and Dr Davis will be completing the Nat 3 course with all other pupils.

Remember we’re here to help, so get in touch if we can help.
Take care 😊

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

S1 Social Subjects Update

S1 Social Subjects – Home Working Update
The S1 History course has now come to an end and as of this week S1 students should now be starting a series Geography lessons. The first of these lessons has been posted on S1 Teams today and can be found in the folder titled S1 Geography work. Please complete your work as a word document and return to your teacher when finished.

EAL Resources - Learn English تعلم الإنجليزية Научи английски انگریزی سیکھیے


On a computer/laptop 

On your phone 

Duolingo (iOS | Android)
Linguascope (All Apps)
Lyrics Training (iOS | Android)
Memrise (iOS | Android)

 In Arabic
https://youtu.be/H71jnIY0tEs (simple stories with dual language subtitles)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io-Pn38Rt8s&feature=share (simple stories with dual language subtitles)
أعضاء الجسم باللغة الانجليزية parts of the body  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMIFGlDyaTo
Arwai Arabic book app ( iOS Android )

In Polish / Po polsku

In Bulgarian / На български

Free School Meals provision due to school closure

Zapewnianie darmowych posiłków w szkole, podczas gdy szkoła jest zamknięta

تـوفـيـر الـوجـبـات المدرسيـة مجـانـا خِـــلال فــتــرة إغْـــلاق المــدارس
20-6100 - FSM school closure – NO BANK DETAILS - ARABIC

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Update from Art and Design

Welcome back Art and Design pupils. 

Please check Microsoft Teams for assignments and new tasks. Remember to check Twitter (@ArtsGHS @Miss_McCreadie) for good examples of work and Email your teacher or post on Teams for help/feedback. Remember creativity reduces anxiety and stress, it is not about the end result but the process.

Update from Modern Studies

S2 & S3 Modern Studies Work Update

S2 Students
This week's task is to recap all 4 countries studied and decide which is the most/ least democratic. Further details can be found on TEAMS. You should complete your work in a word document OR create a poster on paper / Microsoft paint and upload the files/pictures. Email or post on TEAMS through the assignment function. I've attached the worksheet if you are having difficulty. 

S3 Modern Studies Students
This week's task is to work through the PowerPoint on alternative sentences then complete the table.

Update from Music

Welcome back to online learning, everyone. We hope everyone has had a good holiday. Remember that all music learning can be accessed online. There is now a Microsoft Team for every class and seniors should have access to iTunesU courses. You may also contact teachers through email. If there are any questions or concerns, just ask.

Everyone who gets instrument or voice lessons in school should check into their emails if possible. Instrumental teachers will be emailing you at some point this week.

Stay safe

Ms McGhee and Mr Kilday

HFT Home Learning

Welcome back Health and Food Technology pupils.

S1 – S3 (All subjects) should logon to Teams and complete tasks assigned.  If you are not in the Team OR have no access to Teams please email Morven.langley@gracemount.edin.sch.uk and will get that sorted out. 

If you have any issues with the tasks please contact us.

Update from CDT

Mr King and Mr Gray both welcome you back and hope you are safe and well and ready for a new term of distance learning.  

All of Mr King and Mr Gray's CDT classes will have their tasks posted on Microsoft Teams with the exception of NAT 5 Graphic Communication and NAT 5 Design and Manufacture who will have their tasks posted on iTunesU.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Fun Free, or Cheap, Home Activities for You to Do With (or Without) Your Family!

A word document has been created by one of the local youth workers, Callum McLeod.  It contains lots of useful and fun activities that you can do at home.  The document can be found here.

Modern Languages

N5 French and Spanish reminder to complete the Job Application piece of writing with 6 bullet points that Miss Davies and Miss Boyd have posted on Microsoft Teams and iTunes U.

S1, S2 and S3 please follow your Microsoft Teams to see what topics you should be completing this week.
