Thursday 30 January 2020

Student Absence Reporting

A gentle reminder, if your child is absent from school please call the office on 0131-664-7440 or reply to the absence text with the reason your child is absent.

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey. A cool feature that helps to quickly report that a child will not go to school and also helps to quickly receive information about all absent children. When I was a schoolgirl I decided to skip school because I hadn't written an essay and my mother found out about it. If then there was such a service as, then I would not skip school. After my mom found out that I skipped school she was very angry. And with such a system, my mother found out about it even earlier and I would still have time not to miss a whole day at school. So this system significantly speeds up the process of reporting about absent children to parents and helps to avoid absenteeism.
