Thursday 19 March 2020

English: Home Learning

Pupils in S1, 2 and 3 will now have been invited, via their school e-mail account, to a Microsoft Teams group. Included within this communication will be various learning materials, to be updated at appropriate intervals during the days and weeks to come. 


Pupils in S1 should be working on tasks relating to the novel they are studying.

Pupils in S2 should be working on a play or persuasive writing.

Pupils in S3 should be working on a novel or personal writing.

Senior pupils should be in communication with their class teacher through iTunes U, though there will be some pupils in National 4 classes who will now have been invited to a Microsoft Teams group.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. how do we go about getting the kids email school account if said child says" ive not got one"

  3. Please e-mail the school office (there should be at least one member of the office staff in) and request details of your child's school e-mail.
